Monday, September 16, 2013

Picking a Color Scheme

Let's talk color scheme. I've been going back and forth about this.  Originally I wanted to do navy bridesmaids dresses.  Then when my sister and I went to look around, I fell in love with this royal purple chiffon dress.  After finding my dress, I am back to navy.  Like I've said before, it's funny how the wedding gown can change the entire tone of the wedding.  Because my dress is satin and more formal, I've decided that the purple chiffon dress is out.  It just doesn't go together.  Now I am back to my original plan and I'm excited to have made yet another decision.  For a girl who HATES making decisions, I'm making an awful lot these days.  I've decided that we will do navy for the ladies and gray for the gentleman.  We will also have pops of brighter colors in the flowers and other details.  Now here is the next dilemma I face...what other colors do I want to accent with!? Of course I have yet again turned to Pinterest for help with this one!                    

loving coral


these flowers are amazing


So many great ideas and color schemes!  I have also been perusing bridesmaids dresses online.  I've found some that I really like but I think it's time to plan a bridesmaid shopping day so that they can help me.  After all, they have to wear it!! :)  

minus the colorful sash
If anyone is interested in aiding me with all of this decision making, I'm currently accepting applications! ;)  Until next time!

Monday, September 9, 2013

saying yes to the dress

I have got to be the world's worst blogger.  When I jumped on the blogging bandwagon, I was completely motivated to document ever single little detail about wedding planning.  Well people, life happened.  I realized that juggling wedding planning, a full time job that extends the hours of 9 to 5, and writing a blog proved to be quite challenging.  On the other hand, what's life without a little bit of challenge!?  Over the weekend, I was talking to a friend of my sisters about blogging.  She is extremely creative and artsy fartsy and I am thinking she would write exactly the type of blog I love to read.  While I was encouraging her to be a risk taker and just go for it, I realized that I hadn't posted in two months.  All of this talk got me to thinking about why I started this blog in the first place and [somewhat] restored my motivation.  Even if only a few of my closest friends read this, at least I am using it as a creative outlet to document this wonderful part of my life.  As I am constantly reminded, it's going to come and go before I know it. Side note:  In my defense, there are a ton of lulls in wedding planning but I also remembered that I was going to blog about wedding planning and "all the things in between", so I excuses are not acceptable! :)  

Moving on...I said yes to the dress! I found the gown! ...and apparently I watch too many wedding dress shows.  I have got to say, this experience was more work and stress than fun and I am so relieved that it is over.  I went to three different stores, tried on over 30 dresses, and had three completely different experiences.  The first two are not even worth mentioning, so let's recap the appointment in which I found "the dress".  After visiting two stores in Indy, I decided that it was time to look out of state.  There is a great bridal boutique in Dublin, Ohio (Wendy's Bridal) and this is where I had a fabulous experience. 

By appointment #3, I knew exactly what I wanted [or so I thought] from the neckline, to the fabric, to the details on the bodice...I was a pro!  As we were pulling the first 5 dresses or in Mavis' mind the  first 10 (love you mom), I was pulling different variations of the same. exact. style.  The style that I thought I must have, the style that I refused to stray away from...until one little number caught my eye.  I loved EVERYTHING about this dress, besides the fact that it was nothing like what I thought I wanted.  My mom convinced me to pull it and with a quick roll of my eyes, I added it to the rack.  

The first dress I tried on "was the one".  It was exactly what I had envisioned but because it was the first one of the day, I wasn't ready to say that three letter word quite yet.  We tried on a few others that were similar but then just for fun we tried on that one that didn't quite fit my vision.  All I have to say ladies is that mother truly does know best.  I put on that dress that was out of my comfort zone and I instantly fell in love.  For the first time I had truly felt like a bride.  I am a very emotional person, I cry at movies, the occasional commercial, notes from my students, ANYTHING but throughout this experience I learned that I do not cry over material items.  Even though this dress didn't bring tears to my eyes, it made me feel something I had yet to feel and it made this whole thing real.  I am really getting married!!  I completely expected to have an emotional, ugly crying, bridal moment but I will definitely settle for simply feeling like a bride.  Needless to say, what they say is true-you will most likely end up with something you never thought you would and you will truly know when you find "the dress". 

 This dress is so far from what I thought I wanted, it even changed the tone of my wedding.  I had envisioned rustic/country chic and now because of this dress the tone is a little more formal.  This dress is timeless and classic and I am so excited that this part of wedding planning is OVER.  Big props to Mavis for sticking by my side through all of this.  I am so incredibly lucky to have a mom like her and the relationship that we have.  Until next time...